Monday 21 May 2012

What was your first ASMR experience?

Hey guys,

So there's so many different triggers of ASMR, and I want to know what yours are. When did you first experience ASMR? and when did you find out what it was? Maybe when you were a kid and someone told you bedtime stories or a scene in a film. For instance I used to get it when watching Hocus Pocus and the witch used to tap on the glass table. So leave a comment and share :)

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Jeeze, probably way way back when I was getting epiphanies when I was younger, that and some sheet lighting style effects through my eyes... Oh and a 3d video game gave me an effect but it was more like eye shakes...

    The last few months I've really worked towards healthier eating and my sensitivity has increased quite bit... You might like this...
